Saturday, November 13, 2010

Would this be fair for your friend doing this to you? Please read... and 10 points to best answer.?

I'm Jon of course, but my friend Scott that is 14 or 15 years old and hes in 9th grade at the high school. Scott is also a male barber, meaning he cuts his hair and his brothers hair. I meaning Jon is 14 years old and in 8th grade at the middle school. Jon just started to cut his hair about 1 month and a half ago.

Since early July, Scott %26amp; Jon have been fighting, arguing, and calling each other names, and mostly not getting along.

Jon wants this friendship to still happen, because friendships will help you in life when you grow up like when you get older.

Here's how it all started. In early July, Scott and Jon have been texting each other probably about 50-60 times for the mouth of July, but Scott told Jon only a few more text than I had enough. Jon sent about 10 to Scott in like 3 days. Scott said now on if you text me you have to pay me $ 5 bucks for each text you sent. So I texted 15 more. Scott said give me the $ 75 bucks lets say by the end of the month at wawa sometime. I said we have the same phone dummy, and each text is $ 1 each, so I really owe you $ 15. Then in mid July Scott goes to camp about a few hours away from Jon's house. Scott goes how about we make a deal Jon, and that is in mid November I give you a Winter Buzzcut and I shave your back, leg, arm, and your beard hair off. I said I'll get back to you by November 9th, 2009. Scott said okay and remember the haircut I give you will be $ 5 bucks for it. I said okay.

Then in August, Scott makes fun of my 14 year old cousin Joshua by talking about him, like im going to beat your cousin Josh up on the 1st day of school in like a few weeks. I said hes strong as **** and your like a bennie bag. Scott said I've been lifting 100lbs everyday and I'm strong now. I said my cousin lifts about 180lbs everyday and he can beat up anyone really. Scott said yeah right your just saying that. I said no im not kidding bye.

This will be Jon's 1st haircut by his 14 year old friend Scott.

Jon thinks Scott will do a good job if he just uses the hair clippers all over my head. I don't know if Scott will do a good job if he uses shears to cut my hair with, because he could mess up my hair with using shears.

Questions for the public to answer:

1. If you were in this situation, would you think it would be fair to not pay the $ 15 bill that's not even yours, and to pay for not paying the $ 15 buck fine that you didn't pay, and now to get your Winter buzzcut and other parts of your body shaved by this kid meaning Scott, and also paying him $ 5 bucks for it.

2. Which would you rather get, paying the $ 15 buck fine/bill or getting your head shaved for the winter by this kid Scott?

3. Do you think its gay for a young male teenager shaving his own hair and his younger brothers head?

4. Scott told me on November 3rd, 2009 that he wants to use a # 2 all over my head whenever he does it probably it would have to be soon, but I like my hair really short in the winter, long in spring, and buzzed in the summer time. Question # 4 is do you want some of my pictures and ill send them to your email address, and you can tell me what # on the clippers should my friend Scott use to shave my head for the winter with?

5. If I find someway to reschedule this winter buzz thing, then how old do you think Scott should be to shave my head? If you do think hes old enough explain your reasoning to that.

6. I'll admit I think Scott is strange and weird, and sometimes gay in front of me, but what do you think of Scott personally?

7. Can you give me any suggestions for me that you would think that's fair for Scott to do to me so I don't need to get my head shaved by Scott?

8. Do you want to know what happens about Scott's and Jon's mess by the end of this month? If yes, then please give me your email address.

Thanks for everyone that's answered this question, and Jon wants you to have a nice and safe weekend.

Please nice comments, no bad comments unless its in the question Jon asked, then you can say bad comments.

If you have any questions or other necessary comments, please email me(JON) at jjsuperstar2125@yahoo.comWould this be fair for your friend doing this to you? Please read... and 10 points to best answer.?
ok first of all, this question is way too long. but second, im really bored so ill answer.

1. its partly fair.

2. 15 bucks.

3. no but if it is, my brother is super gay cuz he cuts like our whole family's hair.

4. no i dont want pictures.

5. age doesnt matter in this situation. what matters is the amount of training he has had.

6. he seems outgoing and rebellious i guess.

7. why dont you just forget everything? or i guess you could just pay him.

8. why dont you just tell everyone on additional details? that would work.

why the eff did you talk about yourself in a third person? it was confusing.

in the near future, NO MORE LONG QUESTIONS WITH LIKE 10 PARTS!Would this be fair for your friend doing this to you? Please read... and 10 points to best answer.?
Just listen to this song. It'll answer all of your questions, and tell your friends to listen too.
Please learn to summarize.. people will get tired of reading you blab on. What IS you true honest question? Every little detail is irrelevant. Try to get to the point.. and someone will help you.
You can get a nice,decent answer with a nice,decent, and SHORTER question!!!!
This is too long, you have way too much time on you hands.
woah, sorry that was just TOO LONG, i tried reading it but couldnt be bothered, you should cut it down a bit
personally i think this situation is a little bit over dramatic and you both have over reacted.

I think you should both forget any shave's or any money owed. and just start from the beginning

Good luck

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