Saturday, November 13, 2010

How do I go about telling my aunts to stop perming my 6 year old niece's hair?

Sorry for the long a$$ ? but please read it all if you're going to answer. (back story: my brother's a single dad and our aunt's help to take care of doing her hair...before the perm she had beautiful thick long hair)

First off I live in a different state than they do so it's difficult to get my point across and then see if they listened. I do have permed hair myself and have been considering going natural for a long time now because of the affects it has had on my hair. I found out about a year ago that my aunt had gotten my niece's hair permed. She immediately asked my brother what I had to say about it...I said ';what is there to say, it's done now...'; I was NOT OKAY with it but like I said had been done. Since then it has taken a very horrible turn like I predicted (I predicted this bc NONE of my aunts know how to properly care for a perm on a day to day basis. All they know is you got to keep getting them put in on a set schedule or your hair will start to come out. I know they don't know how to care for one because ALL of them have very thin short hair and can't do anything more with their hair than squeeze it back into a tiny thin pony tail (one of them even went completely 100% bald and now can only wear wigs for lack of taking care of her own hair!). They send her to a beautician to perm it but it is still coming out. I want to convince them (I've already convinced my brother who knows NOTHING about hair) to cut her hair shorter than short and keep braiding it so that she wont have a perm any more by the time her hair finishes growing back. I know this will take a long time but will be totally worth it because her hair looks like night and day from her natural hair to the mess that's sitting on top of her head now.

How bad is it coming out you say? Well at Christmas time the left side behind her ear was completely without a lick of hair. It trailed on down to the nape of her neck on the same side. I saw her again during MLK weekend and the entire right side and whole nape of neck (including left side) was now bald too! It looks like they took a set of clippers to the child's head! Not to mention the front of her hair is VERY thin! In just hat short amount of time it has ZERO hair in those places! So my question is how do I convince my aunt (because she's very disagreeable and older and stuck in her ways) that it will be hard and a long process but will be beneficial to the child to cut it all off a little at a time and try it again? I usually get in arguments with her about my niece and I do honestly believe I have a valid point on this one. We both really love my niece and she does help my brother in other ways that help but this is certainly no help. I don't want to offend her or argue but this HAS to stop before the child has self esteem issues (like I did as a child)because when she looks in the mirror all she sees is what she's left with on her head.How do I go about telling my aunts to stop perming my 6 year old niece's hair?
Whether you know how to take care of permed hair or not. Eventually the wear-and tear of perm on your hair will cause bad effects. I know up until 5 months ago i always thought perms were the way to go but i realized that my hair started thinning and i knew it was time for a change. I cut my hair and stopped perming it and im proud to say it has grown back in full. This is a 6 year old, she does not need a perm. Her hair WILL grow!!!! if thats an issue and if it's not then you need to be on this website it gives you a lot of information you will need to know about taking good care of your hair and other websites that will give you other useful information. Im not too sure what to do about your parents or aunts or whoever though. You know how older people are! They are stuck in that old school mind set that can't be changed and narrowmindedness and ignorance is so bliss!! Instead of talking to them try talking to your niece and convince her not to get it; Tell her when she gets up she'll have nice long hair like the mexicans and white people instead of bald headed like most the typical black women now a days. =]] sorry i hope this helps.How do I go about telling my aunts to stop perming my 6 year old niece's hair?
i think you should tell your aunts that it is a bad idea and they should fix it as soon as they can... but the main question is, why does a six year old need a perm anyway? its so unnatural and it looks bad once it dies out a bit. if she wants her hair to be curly, buy a curling iron or get some hair rollers for her... the poor little thing
Why would anyone want to put chemicals on a child's head?

You shouldn't even have to convince them, are the blind to the fact the girl is going bald?!
have them to watch that movie good hair . she wrong for putting those harsh chemicals on that poor childs tender scalp aint nothing wrong with putting a hot comb to that childs head or getting it flat ironed since you want to apply heat. tell her is she cut it all off and just start it natural and dont put no chemicals her daughter will not hate her later on. I have hella thick hair and my mom permed me at the of 9 and i did hate it but now my mother wished she would have waited later on and i wished she would have done the same its better for the child to cry now then to be grown and cry later because she dont have no hair

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