Saturday, November 13, 2010

I was injured during a haircut and I don't think it was handled properly. What should I do?

Last Friday, I went to my local Great Clips location to get my hair trimmed. My hair is very short and always scissor cut, so it was going to be a quick visit. I've been going to this same location for a very long time and my hair has been cut by several different people there as well. Having such short hair, I've never wanted to go to a salon to pay 40 bucks for a trim, but now I'm starting to reconsider.

The stylist had barely started trimming my hair with the scissors when I felt a bit of a sting on the right side of my head. I assumed maybe she had pulled my hair because the pain was minimal. No big deal. Then, she began trimming on the left side of my head and I suddenly felt a much larger sharp pain. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of her comb and it had a large amount of blood on it. She froze, stared at my head for a good ten seconds before dumbfoundedly saying, ';I cut your ear........... it's bleeding pretty bad.'; She finally grabbed a towel and began putting pressure on it. She then said she was going to go get her manager who, at the time, was cutting another customer's hair. The manager came and asked if I could just hold the towel and put pressure on my ear, which I did. The stylists weren't rude, but they genuinely looked like they had no idea what to do. They didn't offer any form of first aid at all. I was able to stop the bleeding, but man, it bled pretty bad. The woman finished the haircut and used small clippers to neaten up the back of my hair and round it off. I felt bad for the stylist because I think she might've gotten freaked out at the sight of me bleeding so badly. I tried to make her feel better about it and understood it was an accident.

The stylist took me up front to pay, but she wouldn't make eye contact with me. She said the haircut was free because she had cut my ear. I acknowledged, and she quickly turned away.

Normally, I would've given this a second thought, but I was battling some pretty severe allergies that day and my medicine was wearing off. I went home, but I started to really think about it and wondered why they didn't fill out any kind of incident report about the injury. I mean, I worked at a grocery store before and we had to fill out incident reports for things as wild as customers causing their own injuries (horsing around, etc). To make matters worse, when my fiance came home, she discovered that the stylist had also nicked my right ear.

Well, my allergies were enough to keep me in bed until Monday. When I came to work Monday, my co-workers noticed this silver dollar sized BUZZED patch of hair on the very back of the left side of my head! I can understand nicking one ear. It's an accident, and it's unfortunate. But nicking an ear, taking a small chunk of skin out of the other ear, and buzzing a large patch on the back of my head? Wow!

I called their corporate office, which was closed, and left a message. I don't want to seek medical attention because although this will scar, it looks to be healing okay. I don't want to get an attorney because I'm not looking to buy myself a new car and get a new wardrobe; that's not me. But I don't feel good about how the situation was handled. Any advice for me? I apologize for the length of the entry, but I wanted to make sure to give the full story. I DO still have my receipt and she did write ';cut ear'; across the top. I've also taken photos of my hair and the injuries. What should I do now?I was injured during a haircut and I don't think it was handled properly. What should I do?
Try presenting this situation to some paramedics at a fire station, to see how to report such a thing, especially about your bleeding. Think they should have been called, and a report taken. Be careful that no real hardship happens to Great Clips by any publicity, but call the coporate office again about it. Since sounds like such a bad haircut was given you, think about everyone else that got bad haircuts just like yours. Stylist needs more schooling and manager will probably be told that by the coporate office.I was injured during a haircut and I don't think it was handled properly. What should I do?
sue them bitches
Well I think you should contact the corporate office and let them know even if your not looking to press charges they still need to know what happened and that they didn't fill out an incident report or have a way to help you.
If you wear your hair short, the slip up she made will grow back. It shouldn't have happened, but accidents happen. Call the corporate office and make a complaint. Don't get all sue-happy and call an attorney like what some other people are telling you. You get what you pay for and in a week of 2 your hair will be back to normal and cut should be healing.
Come on dude. cowboy up,, and go somewhere else. You get what you pay for.

If your hair is that short buy some clippers and do it your self.. they come with guards and your fiance can clean up the edges.

I haven't paid for a haircut in years..
they probably did file a report after you left and this probably happens more often then you or even i realize so they have a different procedure where you dont need to sign the paper i mean you know the risks invovled when getting a haircut. you simply trust the person not to do it to you. my advice ot you is if you like going ot great clips keep going there but keep going to the same hair stylist learn his/her name and when you book an appointment make sure its them that way you know this situation isnt likely to happen agian and you dont have to pay $40 for a hair cut im sorry about your ear :(
I would recomend going to a doctor and talking to your lawyer I mean no mater how nice they are i mean its just not right you can take the money and donate it to charity if you want too hope that helped

You definately should have seen a doctor and made a complaint then and there... you also shouldn't have paid for it... contact their corporate office again to see what they say!


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